PMS Supplements: How to Manage Your Mood Swings

Mood swings are common for women. When they happen, it can be tough to get through the day. But by using natural food supplements, you can get your emotional balance back.

Did you know that 60% of women experience premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, at some point in their lives? If you aren’t one of the lucky ones, chances are you experience its symptoms-a group of physical and emotional symptoms that affect both pre-and post-menopausal females. Symptoms typically manifest on the days leading up to your period. For those going through menopause, these symptoms can be exacerbated, often resulting in mood swings, fluctuating energy levels, and decreased mental clarity. To combat these challenges, many women may take the help of supplements such as MenoPhix, which are designed to provide hormonal support and alleviate menopausal discomforts. These supplements can potentially help regulate mood, boost energy levels, and enhance mental clarity, allowing women to navigate this transitional phase with greater ease and comfort.

What is a PMS supplement?

A PMS supplement is a supplement that is meant to treat symptoms associated with PMS. PMS is short for premenstrual syndrome. It occurs when a woman’s hormones begin to fluctuate around the time of her period. These hormones, like estrogen and progesterone, are supposed to be at their lowest during a woman’s cycle, but during PMS, these hormones are at their highest point. Therefore, a woman’s mood and other physical symptoms may heighten during this time.

PMS is a set of symptoms a woman experiences before the period begins. The symptoms of PMS include fatigue, cravings for salty or sweet food, bloating, depression, irritability, and mood swings.

How to Manage PMS

  • Track your symptoms – One way to manage these symptoms is to track them-it can help you understand your symptoms better and help you identify how your body reacts to certain triggers.
  • Exercise – Exercise can help alleviate PMS symptoms, including mood swings, irritability, and bloating. Furthermore, it can alter a woman’s circadian rhythm, meaning she can experience increased mood stability, energy, and alertness when working out regularly.

While PMS symptoms are uncomfortable for some, you don’t have to let them control your life. There are ways to manage your symptoms effectively so you don’t have to struggle.

What Supplements Help with PMS?

  1. Calcium – Calcium helps increase bone mass, which helps stop bone loss, which in turn helps to slow osteoporosis. The other benefit is that calcium helps prevent muscle cramps.
  2. Magnesium – Magnesium may be the essential mineral in your body, so it’s no wonder that supplementation with magnesium is often recommended for a wide variety of issues, such as pain relief, sleep, anxiety, depression, diabetes, constipation, heart health, hangovers, and PMS.
  3. Vitamin B6 – There are natural remedies for addressing some underlying causes. One of the most effective is vitamin B6, and you can find this nutrient in foods like eggs, bananas, poultry, seafood, nuts, and legumes.
  4. Chasteberry – Chasteberry, also known as Vitex agnus-castus, is a supplement that can help improve fertility. However, it is also being used by women to cope with premenstrual syndrome symptoms, such as mood swings, fatigue, and headaches. Chasteberry is most commonly available as a tea but is also available in capsules.
  5. Evening primrose oil – Evening primrose oil (EPO) is one of the better-known natural treatments for PMS; here, we’ll explore what EPO is and how it can help you.
  6. Ginkgo biloba – One such supplement is Ginkgo biloba, a herbal remedy that’s been used for thousands of years to help counteract PMS symptoms.
  7. St. John’s wort – To help ease your discomfort, try taking supplements that are known to help with PMS symptoms. St. John’s wort, which dates back to ancient Greece, has been used for centuries to help lessen painful and uncomfortable PMS symptoms.
  8. Herbal Tea: – One of the most common herbs used for the treatment of PMS is Chamomile. Chamomile can be most easily sourced in the form of teas, which is considered to be one of the best uure herbal teas. It possesses anti-spasmodic properties capable of relieving the painful cramps associated with menstruation.

Getting to the Root of PMS Mood Swings

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) encompasses a spectrum of symptoms that women commonly encounter about a month before their menstrual cycle. These symptoms, such as mood swings, bloating, fatigue, and backaches, are attributed to hormonal imbalances, particularly fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels. Despite the physiological basis, a stigma persists around discussing these symptoms openly, leading many women to navigate this aspect of their health discreetly.

That being said, for those grappling with severe PMS symptoms, undergoing hormone tests — more about this can be learned by looking up women’s health cypress — can be a pivotal step in identifying the primary contributors. Hormone tests provide a comprehensive analysis of estrogen and progesterone levels, shedding light on potential imbalances that may be exacerbating PMS symptoms.

By addressing hormonal irregularities, women can explore targeted interventions and personalized strategies to alleviate the impact of extreme PMS, promoting overall well-being and fostering a more open dialogue about women’s health. Regular hormonal assessments empower women to take charge of their reproductive health, contributing to a more informed and proactive approach to managing PMS.


Most of us are familiar with PMS. For some, it’s no big deal. For others, it’s a nightmare. But did you know that it is linked to a slew of other health issues, including infertility? (Sad face.)

Women’s emotional health affects their overall well-being, and it can be difficult to get a handle on the mood swings that come with premenstrual syndrome. Fortunately, a lot of women’s health issues can be treated. Try adding exercise or meditation to your daily regimen and eating more fiber.

What is wellness?

Wellness is a state of being that can be described as feeling good in body and mind. It encompasses physical, mental, emotional, social, and environmental well-being. There is no one-size-fits-all definition of wellness, but it can encompass things like reducing stress levels, eating a balanced diet, getting enough exercise, and having positive relationships.

Some people believe that achieving wellness requires making big changes in their lives (like giving up smoking or going on a strict diet), while others suggest that it can be achieved through small tweaks (like taking breaks every hour to walk around). Whatever the approach, everyone agrees that it’s important to find what works for them and to keep track of their progress. Wellness is an increasingly important topic that deserves to be addressed by everyone. Whether you’re looking to improve your health, prevent sickness, or simply feel better in your own skin, there are many ways to achieve it. In this blog post, we’re going to discuss what wellness actually is and give you some tips on how to get started on your own journey toward it.

How to Find Your Wellness Goals

The goal of wellness is to maintain or improve your physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual well-being. There are many ways to reach your wellness goals, but the most important thing is to find what works for you and stick with it. Here are some tips on how to find your wellness goals:

Define What You Mean by Wellness

Don’t be afraid to be specific about what you want to achieve. For example, do you want to lose weight? Stop eating junk food? Get more exercise? Reduce stress levels? These are all good things to work towards but make sure that you know what outcome you’re looking for before starting on your journey.

Take Stock of Your Current State

Be honest with yourself about where you currently stand in terms of health and fitness. Do some research online or read books on holistic health to help get a better understanding of the topic before making any decisions.

Set Achievable Goals

It’s easy to get discouraged when we set lofty targets that seem out of reach but remember that small steps will lead up to bigger ones if done consistently over time. Write down all of the things that are important to you in regard to physical health like losing weight, gaining muscle, emotional well-being such as reducing anxiety levels, improving sleep habits, and mental clarity like increasing focus, and reducing stress. Social life is like making more friends.

Overthinking breeds symptoms of anxiety, which is why it is crucial to take a break. Divert your attention from what causes you stress — one way to do this is to pursue your hobbies. If you love to paint, then dedicate an hour or two every day to filling your canvases with your imagination. If writing offers a safe passage to calmness, then pour your heart onto the paper. Do what soothes your soul and relaxes your mind. In this regard, cannabis can also come in handy, thanks to its anxiety-reducing effects. It can effectively improve emotion regulation. This can explain why some individuals, who want to feel good both in mind and body, consider purchasing cannabis products from online dispensaries similar to mmjexpress. After all, different methods of unwinding work for different people.

Make a Plan to Reach Wellness Goals

Once you have defined your wellness goals, it’s time to make a plan and execute it to the best of your abilities. You can come up with a daily schedule consisting of workout hours, healthy meal plans, upskilling objectives, mental health improvement methods, etc. With these tasks, you can combine activities that help you relax and feel more at comfort with yourself. It could be a spa day once in a while, going on weekend trips, or perhaps trying cannabis products (learn more about CBD products and their benefits online) that help you de-stress and unwind after a long day of work. Lastly, don’t give up too soon! It may take a while to see positive results from your wellness plan, so don’t get discouraged.

How to Build a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle encompasses a variety of activities and behaviors that promote overall health and well-being. It can be difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle on your own, but there are many ways to make it easier.

  1. Start by creating a realistic goal for yourself. Figure out what you want to achieve and set reasonable expectations for yourself. If you’re trying to lose weight, don’t expect to lose 10 pounds in one week. Instead, aim to make gradual changes over time that will lead to lasting results.
  2. Remember that being healthy isn’t about being thin or having perfect skin – it’s about feeling good mentally and physically. When you make consistent efforts toward your wellness goals, you’ll be rewarded with improved moods, better sleep, and more vitality overall.
  3. Stay active throughout the day by engaging in at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day. This could include walking, biking, swimming laps, playing racquetball or tennis, doing Tai Chi or yoga, or simply taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Taking advantage of all the opportunities nature has to offer is also a great way to get activity – try hiking or camping during your free time!
  4. Maintain a good posture to avoid ending up with neck and back pain. Just because you have to spend 8 hours a day sitting at your desk, does not mean that you would sit anyhow you like. Keep your spine straight throughout the time you would be seated on your chair. If the current piece of furniture is not ergonomic, then get it replaced with a better option available at shops similar to office monster. Get a chair that supports your neck and back and has a handrest.
  5. Eat balanced meals that contain whole grains, fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and lean protein sources. Avoid excessive amounts of sugar and processed foods, which are high in calories but low in nutrients. Aim for meals that will give you energy throughout the day.
  6. Invest some of your energy in spiritual well-being. Participate in youth ministry lessons, attend church services, and study spiritual texts to learn more about your faith and build a deeper connection with the divine.

Choosing Healthy Snacks

When it comes to snacking, many people make unhealthy choices. You should make a list of your favorite healthy snacks including items like fruits and vegetables, whole grain bread and cereals, low-fat dairy products, and lean protein sources. Compare the nutritional content of different snacks. Compare the calorie counts, the amount of saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium each snack contains. It can be helpful to keep a food journal to track your snack intake over time. Do not forget to choose lower-calorie options when possible. For example, instead of buying candy bars that contain high amounts of sugar, try unsweetened fruit bars or granola bars made with natural sweeteners instead. Furthermore, avoid eating out or taking food from home that you cannot prepare yourself in a healthy way. When possible, cook meals from scratch using fresh ingredients that will provide nutritional value as well as flavor.

We all want to be healthy, and that includes looking our best. Wellness is the key to achieving this, and it can mean different things to different people. But in general, wellness means being at your best mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It’s about having a balanced life where you’re able to do what you love without feeling burdened or exhausted. And when you have good health on all levels, mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual – that just feels really good!

What Is The Value Of Gold, And Why Do We All Want It?

Gold is more than just a “safe haven.” It’s no wonder that metal has been sought after for centuries. From its use in early civilizations to more modern use for jewelry and as an investment, gold is valuable on many levels. In this blog article, we’ll explore what makes gold so desirable and how it can benefit you too.

What is Gold?

Most of us who took chemistry in high school are aware that gold’s molecular symbol is Au. However, not everyone is aware that the symbol derives from the Latin word “aurum,” which meant “shining dawn” in the ancient language. The noble metal with atomic number 79 is gold. It has a few peculiar qualities. It doesn’t rust or turn color, for instance. Additionally, the priceless metal does not react with air and does not produce oxides when in touch with it.

Gold is a valuable resource that has been used throughout history. Gold is scarce, but it doesn’t corrode. It’s also malleable, so it can be shaped into jewelry or other objects. Gold is also valuable for its color and shine. People use gold to make coins, bars, and other objects. The value of gold depends on many factors, including the supply and demand for the metal.

How to Purchase and Store Gold

Gold is a valuable resource that has been used throughout history. The metal is abundant enough to create coins but rare enough that not everyone can produce them. The United States Mint produces circulating coins with a face value of $1 or 20 cents, with denominations ranging from 1/10th ounce through 1 ounce. Gold bullion coins are produced by mints around the world, and their nominal value is set by the market.

One way to own gold is through an investment in a Gold IRA, which is an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) that holds physical gold. Gold IRAs are attractive to investors because they provide a way to diversify their portfolios, protect against inflation, and hedge against economic uncertainty. To simplify this form of investment, firms like apmex tend to assist with setting up gold IRA accounts, and they can also provide information related to the wide range of gold products available, including coins, bars, and ETFs.

Considering that this can be a sizable investment, to learn more about the various options and potential benefits, it’s advisable to consult with financial experts or IRA specialists. Alternatively, you could leverage the power of the internet to find the information you need. A straightforward Google search using phrases such as “is noble gold legit?” or questions about similar platforms can help you understand more about the credibility and reliability of these investment platforms. Online research enables you to delve into reviews, testimonials, and forums where individuals share their experiences with specific companies.

You can also invest in physical gold by purchasing gold coins, bars, bullions, buffalos, and more. These kinds of products could be sold by various investment businesses dealing in the trade of precious metals. One such company can be Monumental Metals, which can provide you with a range of precious metals to invest in, including gold, silver, palladium, platinum, and other rare coins. For more information on this subject, you can read about monument metals and other similar companies on the internet and choose the gold investment option wisely.

What Makes Gold Valuable?

Gold is precious because it doesn’t corrode. It’s also abundant enough that coins can be made from it, but rare enough that not everyone can produce them. There are other elements that are also rare and valuable, but gold is the most commonly used. The value of gold depends on a number of factors, including global demand, scarcity, and production costs.

How Is Gold Produced?

Gold is produced by mining it from the earth. Miners use a variety of methods to extract it, including panning, shoveling and blasting. The gold is then processed and either sold as coins or used in various other products.

Why Do People Want Gold?

Gold is one of the most popular resources on Earth, and people want it for a variety of reasons. Some people believe that gold has the power to bring good luck, while others believe that it’s a valuable resource that can be used in jewelry or other investments. And when needed, they may even sell their gold in exchanges and stores to raise money from it. Should you be one who seeks to sell your scrap gold and jewellery, you can learn the steps here:

Regardless of the reason for sale, people are always interested in finding out what the value of gold is, and whether or not it’s worth investing in it. The reality is that the value of gold fluctuates depending on a number of factors including the form in which it comes, market environments, nature, and more. However, there are some general rules that can help you understand its value.

One thing to keep in mind is that gold doesn’t have a fixed value. Instead, its worth tends to increase over time as more people invest in it and demand increases. Additionally, gold is rare enough that it’s considered valuable even if it isn’t much available overall. Finally, fluctuations in the global economy can affect the value of gold, so you should always consult with an expert if you’re interested in investing in this resource.

Gold’s Value on the Market

Gold is valuable on the market because it is a store of value. It has been used in making jewelry, a form of currency, and other decorative pieces for several centuries. Moreover, gold is rare, which makes it more valuable. The gold market is constantly in flux, which means that the value of gold can change quickly.

Currently, China is the world’s greatest gold consumer, purchasing almost 975 tonnes per year. India is the second-largest user in the world and imports 700 to 800 tonnes annually. It’s interesting to note that jewelry from South Asia is composed of 22-carat gold, which is purer.

How Fast Does Hair Grow?

People have been asking how fast does hair grow? For years-and the answer is that hair growth varies from person to person. Hair grows at an average rate of 1 to 2 inches per month, although this rate can slow to 0.5 inches per month as you age. That means it can take up to 10 years to grow your hair from shoulder-length to shoulder-length or in the time it takes you to reach adulthood.

Hair growth rate varies based on age, ethnicity, weight, and hair care routine. According to, hair grows faster in warmer climates and low light conditions compared to good lighting. In cases of damaged or slow-growing hair, a solution worth considering is hair botox treatments. These treatments, available at numerous salons, nourish the hair by restoring lost keratin, resulting in smoother, shinier, and more resilient tresses. By exploring “hair botox london” services, individuals can rejuvenate their locks, ensuring they maintain a soft and vibrant appearance while promoting healthy hair growth and improved quality.

The stages of hair growth

Hair growth varies for men and women and depends on a number of factors, including hair type, age, and scalp health. Hair follicle cycles (the growth cycle) last anywhere from 2 to 4 years, so your hair can grow in 2 years, then fall out and grow back 2 years later. This process can be repeated several times, so you could lose and gain the same number of hairs several times over your life.

Hair growth initiates within the hair follicle, a tiny tube comprising hair cells that gradually extend outward. The hair growth cycle consists of several phases, with the telogen phase being the most noticeable as hair visibly sheds. During the anagen phase, which is the hair growth phase, the hair shaft elongates. Typically, hair grows approximately 1/2 to 1 inch per month, resulting in an average annual growth of about 1.5 inches for a healthy head of hair. The duration of the hair cycle varies, ranging from as short as 3 months to as long as 6 months, depending on individual factors such as genetics, medication, hormones, diet, exercise, and environmental conditions. When these factors disrupt the hair cycle, it can lead to baldness.

Baldness, also known as alopecia, occurs when there is a disruption in the hair growth cycle. In this condition, the anagen phase shortens while the telogen phase lengthens, leading to the production of thinner, shorter, and fewer hairs and eventual hair loss. To address this issue, there are treatment centers, like this one offering Scalp Micropigmentation Los Angeles, that tend to provide quality permanent solutions to cover areas of hair loss. These services are non-invasive, safe, and offer quick recovery times. If you’re experiencing hair loss, consider visiting your nearest center for a free consultation and to explore available options.

How to make your hair grow stronger

Keep up with vitamins and nutrients

Want to make your hair grow faster? Just like with many other aspects of your health, good nutrition is key. A variety of vitamins are known to be essential to hair growth. Some of these vitamins include zinc, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, and Vitamin A. However, not all vitamins are created equal; some may not be as beneficial as others.

Apply essential oils/carrier oils

Hair grows about one-third of an inch per month. Growing your hair out, then cutting it off, and letting it grow again can take years, so it’s important to have a healthy, strong head of hair to help speed up the process. This is where essential oils and carrier oils like Rosemary Hair Growth Oils come in. They work great on your hair because they do not strip the hair of its natural oils but can dramatically improve the overall quality of your hair while also aiding in hair growth.

Regular maintenance

Keeping your hair maintained can play an important role in the overall health and appearance of your hair. This could include heading to a barbershop to get your split ends removed, trimming the ends, or keeping your hair in proper shape. Doing so can not only promote hair strength but also keep you looking fresh for any occasion.

Take keratin supplements

When hair starts to thin, many of us become increasingly concerned. While hair loss is a natural part of aging, it’s not something we need to accept. Fortunately, there are ways to fight back against thinning hair. Adding keratin supplements to your diet can help strengthen your hair from the inside out, and as a bonus, they can help strengthen nails, skin, and muscles and prevent further thinning.

Caffeinating your follicles

Hair care is one of those things that many people don’t think twice about until something goes wrong. Of course, taking care of your hair from the start is always best since that eliminates many potential problems. But even if you take good care of your hair, sometimes it just needs a boost-and that’s where caffeine comes in. Caffeine is a natural stimulant, so it’s only natural that it can help your hair grow stronger.